Massages for Cellulite You Can Do at Home

Most women have seen cellulite on their skin at least once in their life. While some women aren’t bothered by its appearance and it being of no major medical concern, cellulite can actually be a source of insecurity for others. While aesthetic treatments are the surefire way to reduce the appearance of cellulite, there are some things you can do at home to minimally treat it.  Today, one of the most common practices to reduce cellulite is to massage them.

So what massages for cellulite can you do at home? Making use of foam rollers, handheld massage guns, and endermologie can all be done at the comfort of your home. These massages  can help reduce the appearance of cellulite through redistributing fat cells, improving lymphatic drainage, and stretching skin tissue. However, these massages are only a short-term solution for cellulite. To significantly reduce cellulite, you’re going to need to explore treatment options like injections, therapy, and liposuction.

Melt Away Your Cellulite Today at the Cellulite Treatment Center of NJ

Can Massages Treat Cellulite?

Massages can reduce the appearance of cellulite, but the results can vary. Massaging areas with cellulite can change the way your connective tissue affects your fat tissue, but eventually your body will revert back to its original state of uneven skin. Thus, massaging your cellulite can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, but it won’t cure cellulite and can start to show after a short period of time. Massages can help reduce the appearance of cellulite by doing the following:

1. Redistributing Fat Cells

The root cause of cellulite is still unknown. However, cellulite forms when the connective tissue that connects your skin to your muscle pulls your skin inward and pushes the surrounding fat outwards. By massaging your cellulite, you can re-adjust the warped fat cells and evenly distribute it in the area. However, this isn’t a permanent solution and can return back to its dimpled formation.

2. Improves Lymphatic Drainage

What appears to be cellulite may not necessarily be cellulite; it could be a sign of excess water retention. Your lymphatic system may be having difficulties filtering and urinating out excess fluids, which results in added water weight. Massaging may help with lymphatic drainage by moving body fluids, but it doesn’t solve the underlying cause of water retention, like hormonal changes or a diet filled with water-retaining carbohydrates, salt, and sodium.

3. Stretch Skin Tissue

Massaging your cellulite area can improve blood circulation by relaxing your muscles, fat, blood vessels, and promoting healthier skin. This can stretch the skin tissue, which can affect your connective tissue and the way it pulls skin down and moves the surrounding fat. This, however, won’t make fat disappear. At best, it can reduce the appearance of cellulite, but it won’t treat the cause or result in long-term results.  

Massages to Treat Cellulite

Woman doing exercises foam roller

Massages can reduce the appearance of cellulite, but only temporarily. To maintain its appearance, you’ll have to keep repeating treatments. Your best option for anti-cellulite massages is to have a professional massage you in the right places. Some professionals can offer a lymphatic massage that can treat water retention – which should be treated first before you can effectively treat cellulite. You can also use a combination of massage creams, massage products, and even your own hands at home. This needs to be repeated frequently if you want good results.

Massage tools can distribute your fat and stretch your skin more efficiently than doing it on your own. Some tools that can help include:

  • Foam rollers – Roll these under areas like your butt and thighs. Best for those who might have both cellulite and water retention, since water weight can make it difficult to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Handheld massage guns – You can use these or any other handheld massager. These can be used for specific areas and can use a number of massaging heads to press down on your cellulite in different ways. Try experimenting with different heads to see which is most effective for you.  
  • Endermologie – This is a massage tool you’ll only find in aesthetic centers. It offers a combination of suctioning and deep-tissue massage. It can help stimulate your lymphatic system, break up your fat cells, improve poor circulation, and activate your skin’s natural collagen and hyaluronic acid production.

You can also opt to massage your cellulite area with your own hands (which is better done with massage cream or cellulite cream). However, it can be a bit labor-intensive pressing around the area until you begin to notice visible changes.  

What Causes Cellulite?

women is holding an orange fruit in her hand wearing white underwear

Cellulite can appear in areas like your butt and thighs, regardless of extra weight or body type. It’s not caused by excess or unwanted fat; in fact, the reason for the malformation in these areas is still unknown.

Cellulite happens when the connective tissues that join your skin and muscles start to break down and contract. This results in the connective tissue pulling your skin down (and causing the dimpled appearance) and pushing fatty tissue toward the skin (causing bumpy, uneven texture.

Again, weight and amount of fat aren’t necessarily the cause of cellulite. This means two things: first, it means anyone – regardless of weight or BMI – can develop cellulite. Second, it means that weight loss isn’t necessarily a cure for making your cellulite disappear. Although everyone has a chance of getting cellulite, the following factors may have an effect:

  • Sex – Cellulite in women is more common than cases for men.It’s possible this is the case because women’s connective tissue are vertical bands that make it easier for fat cells to bulge towards the skin. Men, on the other hand, have crisscross connective tissues that can hold fat down more effectively. Cellulite is also linked to estrogen, which women have more of.  
  • Age – As we get older, our skin slows down its production of collagen and elastin, which are needed to keep skin tight and smooth.
  • Diet – As mentioned earlier, sodium, salt, and carbohydrates can increase water retention, which can make your cellulite appear more pronounced.
  • Hormonal imbalances – Hormones can affect water retention and fat build-up in areas where cellulite commonly appears. This can be caused by pregnancies, menstrual cycles, or excess stress.  
  • Lifestyle choices – Cellulite is linked to your circulatory and lymphatic system. Living a sedentary lifestyle may affect how pronounced cellulite appears on your body. Poor blood circulation in your lower region can be exacerbated by prolonged periods of sitting, which can prevent areas like your butt and thighs from getting good blood flow, which can affect your connective tissue.  

Other Ways to Treat Cellulite

Beautiful and cheerful adult young woman enjoy bike ride

There are two ways you can go about treating cellulite. First, you can try DIY methods you can do at home. Some users may report positive effects in reducing the appearance of cellulite, but results can vary – which means you may not see any change at all. Second, you can visit a dermatologist or aesthetic center and have your cellulite treated through treatments. While these are more effective, each possible treatment can vary in terms of results, invasiveness, and side effects.

For home cellulite treatment, you can try the following:

  • Reduce salt, sodium, and carbohydrates – Your cellulite may actually be water retention. Try to cut down the amount of food you take that’s rich in salt and sodium (like processed foods) and eat foods that are rich in potassium, which can neutralize sodium and reduce water retention.
  • Practice an active lifestyle – Having an active lifestyle can strengthen your muscles, burn excess fat, and tighten skin. Activities like yoga, walking, and cycling can slowly flush out the fat and fluids that tend to cause the appearance of cellulite. Exercises like squats, and side-lunges can also target common cellulite areas.
  • Collagen Peptides – Increasing your body’s natural collagen production can improve your skin elasticity. This can reduce the appearance of cellulite. However, this may not be effective for all.  

For aesthetic treatments, you can choose both invasive and non-invasive treatments. These include:

  • QWO Injections – Our cosmetic doctors inject collagenase clostridium histolyticum aaes (QWO) into areas with cellulite to dissolve the connective tissue that causes dimples while also boosting collagen production for skin rejuvenation resulting in taut, thicker skin. This is best for moderate to severe cellulite, especially in the butt.  
  • CoolSculpting – This non-invasive cryolipolysis treatment freezes fat cells. This causes fat cells to be destroyed, filtered out, and excreted. This can be used to treat areas like cellulite where stubborn fatty tissue can be difficult to remove even with exercise and dieting. It’s not a weight loss or weight reduction procedure.
  • Laser therapy  – Lasers can be used to treat cellulite in two ways. First, a laser probe is inserted into the area to destroy fat tissue. Second, it can be used to increase collagen production to promote skin rejuvenation by making your skin thicker and less likely to take on the shape of lumpy fat cells underneath.
  • Liposuction – An invasive cosmetic procedure where a plastic surgeon extracts fat out of the body. This can reduce the amount of fat that pushes your skin to create the appearance of cellulite, but it can also make dimpling worse. This may not benefit all those looking to reduce cellulite, since cellulite isn’t necessarily caused by excess fat. 

For Safe and Effective Cellulite Treatments, Visit the Cellulite Treatment Center of New Jersey

Cellulite is a common problem most women face. If you want to get rid of these unsightly lumps on your legs, thighs, and butt, massaging can provide short-term improvement. But if you want something that’s longer-lasting and produces visible changes, your best option is getting aesthetic treatments that can safely and effectively treat your cellulite and give you that much needed confidence boost.

At the Cellulite Treatment Center of New Jersey, our state-of-the-art facility offers QWO treatments that can effectively reduce the appearance of cellulite. If you’re looking for options that offer long-term cellulite reduction, our highly-trained providers and staff will gladly help you pick the best treatment plan for your cellulite. Start your journey to smoother, clearer, and cellulite-free skin today and book an appointment with us.

Melt Away Your Cellulite Today at the Cellulite Treatment Center of NJ


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