6 Benefits of Rebounding Cellulite Exercises and How to Do Them Right

Cellulite is a common skin problem among women. Although it’s not a huge health concern, cellulite affects a person’s confidence which is why they seek different kinds of non-invasive treatments. Home remedies like rebounding exercises are also helpful in getting rid of the dimpled skin in their upper arm, thigh, stomach, or butt.

So what are some of the benefits of rebounding exercises for cellulite? Trampoline exercises help reduce the appearance of cellulite by enhancing the immune system and detoxifying the body, improving bone and joint health, burning extra calories, keeping the muscles toned, stimulating blood circulation, and improving the endocrine system function.

6 Benefits of Trampoline Exercise for Cellulite and the Body

According to a study published in 2015, around 90% of adult women have cellulite in different parts of their bodies. It’s more prevalent in women than in men because of the way their bodies store body fat. Instead of a zig-zag pattern like in men, the fat cells are stored in a column and in between the fibrous bands.

The connective tissue called fibrous septae is what tethers the skin to the muscle. It also pulls the skin downwards while the enlarged fat cells push it upwards. This creates a dimpling effect on the surface of the skin called cellulite. While it’s a harmless condition, many women still look for different treatments to eliminate cellulite.

Rebounding exercise is one of the most effective kinds of workouts that eliminate stubborn cellulite in the lower parts of the body. It also has a lot of other benefits to improve the body’s overall health. Here are some of the benefits that an individual may get from performing mini trampoline workouts:

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1. Enhances the Immune System and Detoxifies the Body

The body’s lymph system is an important part of the immune system. It’s responsible for disposing of the body wastes. It’s a network of organs, tissues, and lymph nodes that rely on body movements to pump the lymphatic fluid throughout the body.

The lymph fluid (or simply “lymph”) is a clear to white fluid made up of white blood cells that collect toxins and attack the bacteria and other foreign substances in the blood. It flows through the lymph vessels that are connected to different tissues throughout the body.

Most types of exercises like swimming, walking, or weightlifting stimulate the body’s lymphatic flow. A rebounder exercise is one of the most effective therapy for draining the body’s toxins and improving lymphatic drainage.

This exercise requires the whole body to move, which causes more lymphatic valves throughout the body to open and close simultaneously, leading to an increase in lymph flow. It also reduces the appearance of cellulite by reducing swelling and fluid retention in the problem areas.

2. Improves Bone and Joint Health

Rebound exercise is also helpful in improving an individual’s bone density. This kind of aerobic exercise increases bone mass while strengthening the joints, ligaments, and tendons at the same time. With improved bone health, patients are less likely to develop osteoporosis and different types of arthritis. It also makes them less prone to accidents that lead to serious injuries like fractures and shin splints.

3. Helps in Losing Weight

Long periods of intense cardio exercise are actually counterproductive for those who want to minimize cellulite formation by losing weight and burning calories. These workout sessions worsen the symptoms of chronic fatigue. The long periods of breathlessness during this exercise routine also slow down a person’s metabolism.

Rebounding workout is done at a moderate pace to allow individuals to breathe comfortably throughout the exercise routine. It gets the whole body moving without negatively affecting the body’s metabolism. It’s a sure way to gently detox the body and get rid of extra calories.

However, it’s important to remember that cellulite isn’t simply a problem of excess fat in the body. It’s a skin condition that affects women of different weights and body types. Weight loss may help overweight and obese women reduce the appearance of cellulite in their bodies, but a different cellulite reduction treatment might better suit patients with normal body mass index. It’s important to consult with an expert first to find out the best procedure for you.

4. Keeps the Muscles Well Toned

Rebounding exercise is an excellent routine to improve muscle tone because it keeps the entire body moving as you jump on the mini-trampoline. It strengthens the hips, arms, thighs, legs, and abdomen — which are all common areas for cellulite formation. By toning the muscles in these areas, you allow your skin to become tighter and the cellulite to become less noticeable.

This workout is also helpful in strengthening the pelvic floor — a group of muscles located around the pelvis which supports internal organs. The pelvic floor is extremely important for bladder control, hip joint stabilization, and sexual functions.

5. Stimulates Blood Circulation

Rebounder exercise is also beneficial to different organ systems in the body, such as the cardiovascular system. Like how it improves the function of the lymph system, this exercise also stimulates blood flow throughout the body. It also lowers the blood pressure and decreases the amount of blood pooling that leads to the formation of varicose veins.

6. Improves Endocrine System Function

The endocrine system is composed of different glands that produce hormones for different body functions. It’s responsible for the production of estrogen, a hormone produced in huge amounts in a woman’s body.

As women age, their bodies’ production of estrogen decreases. This leads to the loss of receptors in the blood vessels, decreasing blood circulation. This slows down the body’s breakdown of fat cells, causing the cellulite to become more noticeable in the problem areas.

Rebounding exercises help balance the different hormones produced by the different glands in the body. It detoxifies the body to get rid of toxins and extra hormones that are affecting the body’s overall health and appearance.

The Right Way to Perform Rebounding Exercises

Trampoline Workout

Rebounding exercise has many benefits for reducing cellulite and improving the body’s overall health. It requires certain steps and routines to ensure an individual’s safety. Here are some of the most important things to remember during a rebounding workout:

The Different Types of Rebounding Exercises

Rebounder workout has different types of exercises that target and enhance specific parts of the body. Here are three of the most commonly used routines for reducing cellulite and improving overall health:

  • “Health” Bouncing — This exercise is lighter than the other types since it only requires an individual to gently bounce onto the trampoline. It’s a low-impact exercise that’s highly effective in stimulating the body’s lymphatic flow. Since it’s a light exercise, most people find it easy to perform the routine even for an hour or longer.
  • Aerobic Bouncing — This kind of active workout involves jumping on one leg, running in place, dancing, twisting, and doing jumping jacks. It’s meant to get the heart pumping and the blood flowing throughout the body.
  • “Strength” Bouncing — This type of rebounding exercise is the most difficult one because it requires a person to jump onto the trampoline as high as they can. It’s the best exercise to strengthen the muscles, improve balance, and stimulate the lymphatic system. But before trying out this exercise, it’s better to try easier ones first to avoid muscle strain or accidents.
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How to Pick the Right Trampoline

There are hundreds of rebounders on the market to choose from, which is why first-time buyers often get overwhelmed when deciding which one to purchase. Here are some things to remember when choosing a trampoline for a rebounding workout:

  • Check if the trampoline has sturdy and stable legs.
  • The trampoline should be able to support the person’s weight properly. The standard size (36 to 48 inches) is enough for a person that weighs 220 to 250 pounds.
  • Larger trampolines support the heavier weight so make sure to pick one that’s right for your weight.
  • The squeaky springs when bouncing might be annoying for some people, which is why manufacturers created trampolines that work without making much noise.
  • Trampolines also come in foldable models for people with limited workout space at home.
  • Some mini trampolines come with handlebars to assist beginners.
  • There are also smart trampolines with built-in trackers that show the total calories burned or the number of jumps per minute. They’re typically more expensive than other trampoline models.

Bellicon rebounder is a popular manufacturer that creates high-quality trampoline models perfect for rebound workouts. They offer rebounder models like jumping, plus, premium, and classic for customers with different training goals, physical conditions, and weights.

What to Wear

Attractive slim Caucasian female rebounding against wall

Like in any kind of exercise, it’s important to perform rebounding routines while wearing comfortable clothes. Avoid wearing clothes that limit the movements. Don’t feel conscious about the fat that jiggles when you move because this normally happens. The more this excess fat moves, the more the lymph system flushes out the toxins.

What to Do During the Exercise

Rebounding sessions should be tailored depending on the person’s situation and fitness goals. It’s better to start at a slow pace until you can handle a moderate pace on your own. Remember that breathing should be slightly quicker than usual, but it shouldn’t be uncomfortable. Some exercises don’t require leaving the trampoline; users may simply bounce up and down in place.

Before you start with any moderate to heavy exercise, it’s important to warm up the muscles first. Do it by stomping down on the rebounder’s surface and lifting yourself by up to two inches. Basic jogging is a good beginner’s exercise to try on the trampoline.

After you get used to moving on the trampoline, it’s time to start other exercises like an advanced jog, jumping jacks, and pelvic floor bounce. Some people also combine rebounding exercises with weight training.

Trampoline Safety Tips

Like with any treatment or exercise, it’s important to consult with a medical professional first before starting the exercise routine. While rebounder workouts help eliminate cellulite and improve a person’s overall health, they might not be the best exercise for those who’ve had surgery or other medical issues before.

Here are a few tips to keep the rebounding exercise at home safe:

  • Always check if the trampoline is working properly to minimize the risk of falling or other accidents.
  • Place the trampoline away from the wall, furniture, or other objects.
  • Try out different movements on the trampoline to avoid overusing the same muscles when working out.
  • Store the trampoline away from the reach of children who might play with it.
  • Take a break and stop exercising if you experience breathlessness or other body pain that shouldn’t be there.

Non-Surgical Cellulite Reduction Treatment at Cellulite Treatment Center of NJ

Although it has many benefits for the body, a trampoline workout might not be the best treatment for everyone. People who are looking for effective and long-lasting cellulite reduction should look for other non-invasive treatments that eliminate stubborn cellulite.

Here at Cellulite Treatment Center of NJ, we offer non-surgical alternatives like QWO cellulite treatment to get rid of dimpled skin on the arms, thighs, stomach, butt, and other problem areas. Call us now to consult with one of the country’s leading cosmetic medicine experts and learn more about this procedure.

Learn more: 10 Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite

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