Can A Chemical Peel Help Get Rid Of Cellulite?

Chemical peels have one of the preferred solutions people use to get smoother skin. It's not hard to see why: by removing the outer layer of your skin, you're able to address a lot of skin conditions like acne, oily skin, or dull skin without too much trouble. It's also one of the most versatile skin treatments, with different chemical solutions ranging from glycolic acid to phenol acid that can reach down the layers of your skin for more visible results.

So how effective are chemical peels against cellulite? While it can help you get more radiant skin and improve your skin texture, it's not viable as an effective method for managing cellulite long-term. Most skincare professionals would advise it as a way to strip away the top layers of skin for increased collagen production and other surface improvements, but you need something more advanced, like a skin treatment or procedure to tackle severe cellulite.

Melt Away Your Cellulite Today at the Cellulite Treatment Center of NJ

How Does A Chemical Peel Work?

A chemical peel is applied to the skin to remove the damaged surface layers, which causes it to peel off and get replaced by the younger, healthier skin underneath it. This increases the collagen production of the treated area, resulting in younger, firmer, and smoother skin. While it can be used on anyone regardless of skin type, fairer-skinned patients are the ideal candidates since they’re more likely to avoid getting uneven skin tone after the procedure.

There are actually 3 categories of chemical peel that patients can choose from:

  • Light peels: AHA and BHA peel
  • Medium peels: TCA peel
  • Deep peels: Phenol peel

These peels differ in how deep they reach into your skin - light peels only work on the surface, while deep peels go underneath the layers of skin. More peel types are constantly being developed, so ask your provider about which specific brand of peel you might be eligible for.

Chemical peels have been considered as solutions for cellulite since the exfoliating effect of the chemical peels can help the dimpled skin level with the rest of the surrounding area. As a non-surgical treatment that can be boosted with tropical solutions, it's a popular procedure that can be performed by most cosmetic providers and combined with other skincare products for better effects.

Considerations When Using Chemical Peels

While the compounds used in chemical peels are far from deadly, they’re still acidic components that can cause damage to your skin if you aren't careful. If you're thinking of getting a chemical peel, here are some things you should keep in mind:

  • If you have sensitive skin, always opt for a light peel (but only with the advice of your doctor)
  • Leave at least 1 to 2 days for your skin to heal after your treatment
  • Deeper peels should always be done in-clinic with a trained professional and never at home
  • Avoid exfoliation products like retinol after your peel procedure
  • For better recovery, apply products like hyaluronic acid to your face after peel treatments
  • If the pain is too much, you may opt for getting pain medication with the advice of your doctor
  • Wear sunscreen if you plan to be outdoors soon after your chemical peel is complete

Why Chemical Peels Don't Work Against All Cellulite

While it's excellent for improving your skin appearance short-term, chemical peels don't have any effect at all on cellulite to begin with. Cellulite is caused when the skin surrounding your septae (a band that connects your skin and muscles) starts to sag, which causes the bands to pull the skin down. This causes the dimpling that you normally associate with cellulite.

Even the deepest and finest peels won't reach that far beneath your skin - and none of the chemical peel ingredients used can be increased in potency without seriously harming your skin. In some cases, chemical peels may actually make your cellulite worse since the exfoliation can leave you at risk of uneven or untextured skin.

As far as giving your skin a healthy glow, chemical peels are a safe treatment. But for getting rid of stubborn cellulite, it's no better than any topical solutions that you might be using to get rid of dead skin cells. If you want to get effective cellulite treatment, you'll need something more effective, like a clinical procedure or a specialized treatment done by professionals.

Cellulite Treatment QWO Injections For Reducing Cellulite

Before and After shot of a cellulite treatment

The fight against cellulite has progressed rapidly in the last couple of years - no longer is surgery the best and only option for those who want to get rid of body cellulite. QWO injections, an FDA-approved cellulite treatment, have rapidly become the treatment of choice for many patients, especially those who have sensitive skin and can't tolerate procedures like chemical peels.

QWO injections work by dissolving the septae that connect your skin to your muscles, which allows the previously held-down skin to float up and level itself with the rest of the surrounding skin. Non-invasive and only requiring a few treatments before getting visible results, it's a welcome alternative to the much harsher treatments like chemical peels or ablative laser skin rejuvenation treatments.

The procedure also has other benefits aside from removing cellulite: it increases collagen and elastin production, which can result in fairer, younger, and more resilient skin. Combined with a balanced diet, suitable exercises, and an active lifestyle, it's a powerful cellulite solution that you can enjoy long-term.

Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulite With Cellulite Treatment Center of NJ's Non-Invasive Procedures Today

Chemical peels do wonders on the skin when it comes to removing dead skin cells and reducing the appearance of acne scars, but they can't do much for the management of cellulite, especially for women. It's an excellent treatment to use if you want to boost the effects of another skin rejuvenation treatment, but aside from surface-level improvements, it can't do much else.

Cellulite Treatment Center of NJ has extensive experience with using QWO injections to reduce the appearance of cellulite in women. Our treatments are non-invasive and can be combined with other skin rejuvenation treatments, which can help our patients with long-term results with their cellulite. Get started with your journey to smoother, cellulite-free skin and book a consultation with us today.

Melt Away Your Cellulite Today at the Cellulite Treatment Center of NJ


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